I stumble upon this wonderful blog by an author that I consider my
'mentor' in reading books to my son!
I read her book 8 years ago when Nathan was still two years old.
Many a wonderful daily reading cuddles later, Nathan is now an avid reader. (In fact we've had to pry away books from him because it's time to eat, or study, or sleep!)
I've always loved books but her
Honey For A Child's Heart taught me principles of reading and sharing books with my family. Thank you, Gladys!
In her blog you can find book recommendations, and wonderful insights on all time favorite books for all ages.
Countless times I've copied her list of books for the young from her book to look up in our local library or bookstore. My son always loves it ( I also read them to kids when I volunteer as reader at the library). And always, I love them, too!
Not all books are equal. Read only good books. Especially to our children.