Monday, May 4, 2009

The Frills Don't Matter

I've realized that the frills don't matter.
It doesn't matter that we don't have a proper nursery for her, or a proper cot, or a fancy changing table.
It doesn't matter if I have not prepared a black and white picture of her big brother hanging in a frame on the wall across from where she sleeps. Or a cute mobile over her (since she'll be sleeping on my bed). Or get the apartment absolutely immaculate and totally ready for her arrival.
I think it matters to her that she knows exactly how much we love her. It matters that we feed her exactly when she's hungry, change her when she's wet and cuddle her tight all the time. It matters a lot that we'll be there in a heartbeat, to hold her, whenever she calls.
I think those really matters to her.
I should put it in perspective and not worry so much about not being ready for Emma. 'Cos by God's grace I believe all three of us are ready for her.
It doesn't matter if we can't afford fancy decorations. It would be nice if we can. But if not, it's perfectly fine. Emma's all that matters.
The frills don't matter.


Debb said...

Amazing how I feel exactly the same now that I'm a month from my due date. :) Thanks! God's grace IS always sufficient.

hennylee said...

thanks, Debb. :)